Driving in Northern CyprusNorth Cyprus offers a unique driving experience, reminiscent of the UK, as vehicles drive on the left-hand side of the road. For travelers and expatriates, understanding the driving regulations is crucial for a safe and enjoyable journey. Here’s what you need to know:

Licensing and Duration:

If you possess a valid driving license, you’re permitted to drive in North Cyprus. Tourists and visitors can use their foreign driving licenses for up to three months. After this period, it’s mandatory to obtain a TRNC driving license. Failing to do so can render your car insurance null and void in case of an accident.

Documentation for TRNC Driving License:
    • Original Passport and a photocopy of the photo page.
    • Residency requirements differ based on age. Those under 60 need a photocopy of the temporary residency stamp page in their passport. If you’re over 60 and don’t have this stamp, a Muhtar’s residency letter is required, usually available for a nominal fee.
    • Two passport-sized color photos.
    • Original and a photocopy of the national driving license.
    • A completed application form, available in both Turkish and English.
License Validity and Fees (as of January 2021):
  • 2 years: 428.80 tl
  • 3 years: 574.70 tl
  • 5 years: 884.50 tl
  • 10 years: 1,470 tl

Once the payment is made, a receipt will be issued, which should be kept in the car until the actual license is available, typically within a month.

  1. MOT Testing: North Cyprus has an MOT inspection system similar to the UK. The inspections, which are less stringent than EU countries, are conducted at police stations. New cars require inspections every three years, while motorbikes and quad bikes need annual inspections. It’s essential to adhere to the specified MOT dates to avoid fines.

  2. Vehicle Road Tax: This tax is due annually, based on the vehicle’s registration date. The amount varies depending on the vehicle’s weight and fuel type. Renewals can now be done online.

  3. Selling/Buying a Second-Hand Vehicle: As of July 2020, the procedure for updating the logbook for a used car has changed. Both the buyer and seller, along with the necessary documents, must attend the tax office to make the vehicle title change.

Driving in North Cyprus is a delightful experience, with its scenic routes and historical landmarks. However, adhering to the local driving regulations ensures a safe journey.